Saturday, September 7, 2013

Chick Manifesto

Woman...there's just something about you:) 

The way God made you that's quite unique on your own. Not only are you soft, kind, a nurturer, a help to many around you. But YOU embody strength, fortitude, endurance, longevity, brilliance and the epitome of the characteristic of the Holy Spirit-a comforter. Throughout the Ages you built families, endured hardships, absorbed pain, navigated dangerous journeys, and founded societies and cultivated new worlds. You are the reflection of the creative image that fashioned you into existence-God himself. A supporter of every Adamic counterpart, the very brilliance of God's creativity and that is so good!

Throughout the Ages, the seed of every wicked plan devised against you, tried you from your sacred Mother's womb to the battlefield of life; the evil one has not overcome you! Not disease, nor distance can eliminate the bridge across the great divide. The bridge that brought us closer to our destiny, our call, our purpose, our first position which is the visual of being seated in heavenly places with Him. 

Woman, you are more than your beauty, more than your sexuality, more than the wrinkles accumulated over time and more than the symbol dangling from your attire. You're more...more than time spent in front of mirrors, more than the dyes & perfumes misted once you leave the scissor-laiden room. More than the illegitimate relationships robbing you of time, value, your physical beauty.

Your mind has great capacity for strategies, your senses can tune into the atmosphere of a room, your mouth can expel words that build kings and strategize nations. Your beauty commands the ears of legends and thoughtfully craft freedom for prisoners. You wield influence and leverage your ability for the greater Kingdom. You are proactive, a protagonist, and protected! Your Father knows you well.

Finally, no scalpel can shorten your span of days, no government edict can eliminate your existence, no striving for your unique quality can surpass your value, nor the best articulator or debater can diminish your position. Every eye will be rapt in attention for your wisdom, every foe will see your head graced with honor. Not enough parchments can contain your history and not even enough books can hold the length of your days because you are the personified handiwork of creation for YOU are WOMAN!

God told the serpent:
“Because you’ve done this, you’re cursed, cursed beyond all cattle and wild animals, Cursed to slink on your belly and eat dirt all your life. I’m declaring war between you and the Woman, between your offspring and hers. He’ll wound your head, you’ll wound his heel.”- Genesis 3:15