Hope postponed grieves the heart; but when a dream comes true, life is full and sweet.
Proverbs 13:12
This is me(smile)! It's been awhile since I've cyber scripted my thoughts with you but better late than ever. And, as you well know, life is busy. We are all busy! After the year ends time feels like it's speeding by rapidly. New roles, new challenges, goals and new resolutions. I've committed myself to many of them...I'm trying at least(smile).
In my World, and I'm sure as in yours, you've experienced expectation or hopeful anticipation of a dream, a desired future, in hopes of seeing it come to pass. But the "waiting" can be quite the challenge(smile). Just like planted seeds, you can't harvest the results until it's time, so, you wait...and wait...and wait.
As I wait, let me tell you what I've committed myself to in this tension of time called waiting:
1. I've resolved in my head & heart to be at rest...I will not jump the gun.
2. I'm committed to keep doing what I'm doing until that hope has been fulfilled. Be busy!
3. Help others achieve as they wait too!
In other words, I can help push them forward as I'm "waiting". Nothing's worse than being so self focused about your own desires and not extend an open hand to position someone else to see their dream fulfilled.
To wait is challenging and a hope that's been deferred makes a hopeful heart lose hope all the more. I'm hopeful, yet, I'm waiting. I'm excited, but it's not time nor is it the season to receive what I'm waiting for. But I'm busy doing, being, planting "spiritually invested seed" into my family, my children, my friends and those who need an open hand. And, yes, I'm committed to waiting for the door to be opened. In my World, only God opens doors that a human hand cannot shut. So, in the meantime, I'll wait to have Him completely unhinge the door for me to access the very thing I asked for...