Have you ever felt ignored? Well,...let's say this, unacknowledged? I have from being a kid, to being a young lady, to an invisible mommy moment, and, need I say, just being a woman:) I'm sure you've experienced a snide remark, a sarcastic comment made at your expense, a curt attitude towards you...Well, it doesn't feel good but you roll with the punches;)
To be ignored & slighted is not a comfortable feeling. I grew up in a family where manners were expected. Where eye contact &, yes, acknowledging your enemies was a social grace:) You actually confront and speak truth about feelings and not pretend there's not an issue;) Being nice displays kindness and not passive aggression. Today, we call this attitude being "fake". Who taught this culture this word...fake? To me it insinuates an underlying truth of energy, time, and a bully disposition of, "I don't feel like being nice, so, I'm not going to acknowledge them at all" kind of air in our social gatherings. Stop it!
Amongst people who don't know the Lord that kind of attitude I come to expect. Yet, you're nice. But amongst brothers....come on now!!! Be better!
In the Kingdom we call this "blessing your enemies"(smile). It's actually something that's historically done by Christians thru the ages-be nice to those who don't like you, talk about you, make fun of you and so on(notice my humor). I've practiced this "ancient method" to those who are young & feel they know more to those who are older & feel like the world is being stripped from them. People will always carry attitudes they are projecting to the world around and you can't help them but definitely YOU don't have to carry that negative attitude on your person. The issue is not you but how people respond to what you carry-Jesus! They may reflect envy, pride, jealousies, anger, competition, roots of bitterness, offense, and so on. But they are responding to the Jesus in you:) Now, if you are mean and NOT nice, well...that's why they're ignoring you;) BUT if you have been gracious, patient, and kind this might answer that gnawing question of, "Why are they ignoring me?"
Listen, sis! We carry God's amazing grace and being nice to people helps reflect what He has done in our lives. Believe me when I say this, it works! Ancient Christian methods work! So, don't waste time figuring it out just be the daughter of God He is displaying you to be:) Pray for them and their success, encourage them to their faces, hug them when they are unloveable, and be nice when the say the meanest things to you;) Believe me...I've done it! Why? Because Jesus loved me well;)
"If people mistreat or malign you, bless them. Always speak blessings, not curses."-Romans 12:14
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