Wednesday, May 1, 2013

YOU will smile!!!

  So, I just turned 40! Amazing!!! Double fist pump(smile)! All my warrior chick girlfriends are standing and applauding because this milestone is a right of passage for every woman; all your youthful naivete'-gone, a built-in inner strength has formed, and your dreams/aspirations in God are being fulfilled! In other words, your walking in-step with how God timed it to be, in due season:)

  Let me tell you what you look forward to-it's ALL good. God is the good gift giver...AMAZING dad, amazing! Jesus and I have been thru so much and my fantastic hubby was so kind to affirm publicly how good it is to be a woman, a mother, his wife, his confidante, a leader, a friend, a sister, a prophet-a WOMAN! It's nice to have my God use my husband as my mirror in life:) You need someone as a woman. Someone who reflects clarity-a clear picture of you. A man can verbalize to a woman the strength, the courage, the prophetic part of who you'll become instead of the insecurities and baggage of another woman. You, my friend, are going to love your 40's!

"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come"
Proverbs 31:25 NIV
  If I were to breathe life into the seasons that you are walking thru or to help give a season a proper burial, I would pose this one question, "What would I say to your teens, 20, 30-something version of you?" Hmm...,where do I begin? I would tell the teen-something version of you, this season will go by quickly;) Don't rush your youth or to be older-you'll have your whole life time for that! Enjoy your friendships, avoid the "meangirls", and make room for the odd girl in your life! She might teach you something;)

  Hello, 20something!! You have your curves, your freedom, your life ahead of you-keep your anchors in life. Vital anchors are your family and your healthy friendships who are your cheerleaders in life. This main thing brought me to a safe place to learn and I hope you hear me on this-be patient with yourself. The previous generation helped me build my life to be better! And sometimes their pain were my greatest teachers. Borrow from people's will shape a wisdom you can gain early in life:) By the way, Rome was not built in a day! Risk is great at this age. So, try things, careers, food, risk friendships, travel, etc. And let me tell you, someone else's insecurities about themselves don't have to be yours:) I was young when the enemy would use people to shame me from speaking up. And that shame grew into a fear. But, God set me free to speakup, to confront when needed, to speak truth, wisdom and life! Sis, I give you permission to love the frail you, the brave you, the vulnerable you-God is really good at tempering as you grow, so, let Him be the dad He was meant to be.

 The best thing I could ever pass onto you is what someone prophesied over me and into my 30-something years. I will never forget it and I pray it opens some-thing in your heart to see me with the "eyes of your understanding" (Ephesians 1:18). "Your 30's will be the best years, Dianna! You'll grow, be more in love with being in your own skin and come into who you are as God made you!" So, I say the same to you warrior princess! Life will be amazing for you in all of its intricacies, flaws, disappointments, chaos, postpartum depression, anxieties, successes, and triumphs:) If you need healing-fight for that healing! The Holy Spirit is a great guide thru unchartered waters that you are not prepared for but He's great at taking the reins of your life. He will hone the areas of your voice, your passion, your heart.
  As you live, choose well! Decisions that honor God will serve you well:) People will come and go...there will be 'meangirls' will be will fail...and when it happens, bless that chapter and move on:) Life is short to have you hindered with hurts in life. And if I can prophesy into your 40's it would be this; you have honed your voice, God will place you on platforms where you never asked Him for them but He has anointed you with wisdom to use your voice to forge pathways for your children. Look for spiritual daughters to encourage and help birth their dreams because intertwined in their dreams-yours will be fulfilled. It's the secret to the Kingdom! 

  Love hard-cry out-fight well-bless lavishly! Bless you and who you are becoming:) Don't diminish or retreat...augment and broaden yourselves in God,
 "The Teacher did his(her) best to find the right words and write the plain truth."
Ecclesiastes 12:10 

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